
Sunday, October 14, 2012

First Attempts at FMQ

Just to put things into perspective, here are a few photos of my first attempts, in September of 2010.  I started watching Leah's videos, drawing the designs in my notebook, and making practice squares.  

I remember being pretty discouraged at the beginning, but with practice it got easier and easier.

I wish I had made my practice squares larger with nicer fabric, so I could have made a quilt from them.  Many of the later ones are very pretty, but plain, on muslin.


  1. Hi! Great job! Try using an open-toed darning foot. I find that it works much better~~for me anyway. You might like it as well.

  2. Hi Steph, thanks for you feedback, these were done over 2 years ago on a smaller machine. I have had a lot of practice since then. As I mentioned, I was showing these to remember where I started and to show beginners that things do get better.

    Take care,
